Expert TMJ Treatment in Centennial and Grand County for All Ages
If you, your child, or your teenager is experiencing jaw or TMJ pain, difficulty chewing, headaches or neck aches, and limited range of motion, schedule a complimentary exam with our Centennial TMJ experts, Dr. Renee Moran and Dr. Caitlin White. While our doctors and team do have a reputation for treating complex, TMJ-related cases in adults and teenagers, we also offer preventative orthodontics for kids, which can stop TMJ problems from occurring altogether.
A Conservative Approach to TMD Treatment
At Foundations Orthodontics, we take a conservative approach to treating TMJ dysfunction. While there are several different types of TMJ surgery, these should always be reserved as a last resort. Home remedies for TMJ pain like applying hot or cold packs to the jaw, eating soft foods, facial massage, stress reduction techniques, and taking over-the-counter pain relievers are the first line of defense.
In addition to helping you achieve acute pain relief, Dr. Moran and Dr. White will evaluate your entire craniofacial structure using our cutting-edge, in-house diagnostic tools, such as our CBCT scanner. Depending on your individual case and the reasons for your TMJ dysfunction, LightForce® ceramic braces or Angel Aligners may be effective in aligning the teeth and jaw, and creating the ideal relationship between the teeth and jaw joints to eliminate TMD. In other cases, TMJ splint therapy could be needed prior to comprehensive orthodontic treatment to get the best results.
What is TMJ Splint Therapy?
For patients suffering from moderate to severe TMJ pain, dysfunction, and a general decline of the chewing system, TMJ splint therapy can be an important phase of treatment. After developing an accurate diagnosis and completing thorough, individualized treatment planning, Dr. Moran or Dr. White will design a clear, plastic TMJ splint for you that looks like a virtually invisible mouthguard or Invisalign aligner.
You’ll likely wear this stabilization splint full-time. The custom oral appliance will take pressure off of the TMJ, allowing the joints and muscles to heal and repair themselves. Once you’ve completed your splint therapy, Dr. Moran and Dr. White can create a comprehensive orthodontic treatment plan for you to align the teeth, improve your bite, and ensure the jaw joints are in the optimal position.
Who Can Benefit From TMJ Splint Therapy?
Patients of all ages with TMJ dysfunction or TMD can benefit from TMJ splint therapy, followed by orthodontic treatment. In the past, TMJ splint therapy was reserved for adult and older teen patients. However, recent research indicates that splint therapy can be very important for growing patients with certain bite issues as well. This is because damage to the jaw joints can negatively affect the growth of the lower jaw and face. That being said, just because your child has an early evaluation at Foundations Orthodontics, doesn’t mean they’ll automatically need treatment. Dr. Moran and our team only treat children when there are clear, health-based reasons.