What is Holistic Orthodontics and How is it Different From Conventional Orthodontics?

A beautiful smile makes a lasting impression. But, of course, a memorable smile isn’t memorable on its own; as part of the entire face, it works together with the cheeks, chin, and jaw, and upper face to create an overall pleasing countenance.

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At Foundations Orthodontics, facial harmony is a significant part of our unique, holistic approach. Whereas conventional orthodontics can sometimes only focus on straightening teeth, we consider our patients’ teeth in relationship to their jaw and overall facial structure. 

Our goal with every patient is beautifully aligned teeth, a normal bite (the way the upper and lower teeth meet), and properly aligned jaw joints. Depending on a patient’s case, orthodontic treatment can promote healthy teeth and gums, optimal chewing, alleviate jaw pain, and even improve overall breathing. This applies to patients of all ages: from children who could benefit from preventative orthodontics to adults looking for braces or Invisalign®.

Where Does Our Holistic Approach Come From?

So you might be wondering where our holistic approach comes from. Dr. Renee Moran’s approach is rooted in the Roth/Williams philosophy of orthodontics. In essence, this philosophy positions orthodontics as a treatment that can and should be about more than just straightening teeth. It’s an approach that addresses a patient’s optimal bite functionality, jaw positioning, and the alignment of the temporomandibular jaw joints (TMJ) that connect the lower and upper jaws. The aim is to achieve both health and aesthetic beauty. 

The Seven Roth/Williams Treatment Goals

A Roth/Williams orthodontist like Dr. Renee Moran uses the philosophy’s seven guiding treatment goals to direct the treatment process:

1. Listening to and considering the patient’s main smile goal

Sometimes our patients come in with a specific concern they want to correct. So we listen to our patients’ smile goals and build a thoughtful and personalized treatment plan that responds to what they hope to achieve.

2. Capturing as many dental aesthetic characteristics as possible

Although everyone’s smile is different, there are some guiding aesthetic preferences and proportions for what constitutes an attractive smile. Dr. Moran considers these in her plan for a patient’s new jaw and teeth position, designing a smile that will complement a patient’s unique facial features. 

3. Enhancing facial aesthetics

As the characteristics of an appealing smile, we consider the most appealing facial proportions and symmetry in a patient’s face and determine how teeth and jaw positioning will enhance their facial harmony.

4. Correcting malocclusion

Optimal positioning of jaws and teeth helps with a more pleasing facial balance, but also importantly, transforms crooked teeth into teeth that stack properly. This results in better chewing and speaking, and helps alleviate teeth grinding if these were issues previously.

5. Addressing TMJ disorders

Correcting malocclusion can also help alleviate TMJ pain, headaches, or other symptoms of a TMJ disorder. Dr. Moran completed extensive post-graduate training in treating TMJ disorders and is an expert in the function of the entire chewing system.

6. Increasing overall dental health

Misaligned teeth and jaws create more crevices and hard-to-reach areas for plaque to build up. This leads to an oral environment more conducive to cavities, tooth decay, and gum disease. Correcting orthodontic issues such as an overbite, underbite, crossbite, open bite, or crowding can lead to better dental health.

7. Stabilizing the teeth and jaws

Proper alignment of jaws, teeth, and facial structures through orthodontic treatment goes a long way in experiencing a lifetime of healthier teeth and gums, less facial pain, and, as one study would indicate, better overall health. When all the facial elements are considered in holistic orthodontics — not just the teeth — this can promote healthier, straight, and strong teeth for life.

Within our approach, Dr. Moran includes comprehensive diagnostics, utilizes the latest in orthodontic technology and techniques, and provides thorough, individualized treatment plans that address a patient’s entire dental and facial system.

Orthodontic Issues That Benefit from Holistic Orthodontics

Our patients come in with a variety of concerns and issues. Not sure when you should come see us? Sometimes, your dentist will recommend it. Or if you’re a parent, the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) recommends that kids visit the orthodontist for a first assessment by age seven. 

Age seven is prime time for a board-certified orthodontist like Dr. Moran to gauge where your child is at in their dental development. Adult teeth have already started erupting by this time and a child’s jaw shape is pretty much established. Dr. Moran can assess whether your child shows any signs of potential orthodontic issues.

If issues warrant it, Dr. Moran might suggest early orthodontic treatment — preventative care that typically makes later treatment like braces or Invisalign® much easier. Or, if issues are mild, we merely monitor your child through regular visits as they grow, only recommending treatment when it’s needed.

Other times, our patients come to us because they notice that their teeth are misaligned or they have problems with eating, chewing, or speaking. Exhibiting jaw pain or headaches? As a bite correction expert, Dr. Moran is well-versed in treating TMJ disorder and has helped many patients find freedom from TMJ pain.

Braces and Clear Aligners

Aligning teeth and jaws into harmonious balance has never been more discreet. At Foundations Orthodontics, Dr. Moran and our team offer streamlined, modern braces and clear aligner brands 3M™ Clarity™ Aligners and Invisalign®. 

We can safely say that braces are still typically the first choice — they’ve stood the test of time and yield fantastic results. Dr. Moran uses clear ceramic braces and modern metal braces, both of which have smaller brackets and thinner wires than braces past. Today’s braces are not the bulky, obvious ones you might remember from your own teen years!

Patients who are interested in even more discreet specialty appliances to treat their malocclusion often ask us about clear aligners. The majority of our patients opt for 3M Clarity Aligners because of how precise the process is — Dr. Moran has the ability to really fine-tune a patient’s tooth movements with Clarity’s software for exceptional results. 

Invisalign and Invisalign Teen were forerunners in discreet, clear aligner treatment and are a popular option for our patients with mild alignment issues. We find that Invisalign can be beneficial for addressing TMJ pain, while Invisalign Teen has special tabs to accommodate teens’ erupting teeth. Plus, free replacement aligners are included with Invisalign Teen. Just in case aligners are misplaced in the busyness of school, home, activities, and work!

Benefit From Our Unique, Holistic Approach

Our holistic approach is all about bringing your whole facial structure and chewing system into optimal balance and health. In considering your teeth, jaw alignment, facial structure, and muscles together, we can provide outstanding results that will enhance your life beyond just a set of straight teeth.

Contact us today for a free initial consultation at our Denver, Granby, or Winter Park Colorado offices.

Renee Moran